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How to Die in the Dream


(An excerpt from the Chakra Cleanse )

Now that we’re moving our way back into the heart chakra (from our new alignment), we Quantum entanglementcan start to understand (with our emotional/energetic/and mental feedback) how it feels to live from the heart, rather than the mind (or other people’s interpretation of reality in the world around us).

The memory of our true nature may come as simple reminders, long pauses where we feel euphoric, memories of the joy we felt when we were children, or excitement of realizing that YES, WE ACTUALLY CAN LIVE IN PEACE WITH OURSELVES. It’s possible to live in a reality where we are not at war with ourselves or the world around us.

When we are not sustained and fed from the truth of our heart (our God self), we remain in the victim/aggressor/savior paradigm. We forget we are the one’s dreaming up our experience, and that we are also the dream. Our dream can be as dramatic, joyful, horrific, playful, and mournful as we want to experience it. But all stories are valid and all are real.

The difference is, now we take 100% responsibility for what we are focusing on. We do not bypass how we feel, or deny the characters and experiences we have had in the past. We can’t curse our past selves without having the curse come back in our current dream, because anything we sow, we reap. This is the nature the dreaming reality.

A gentle and authentic transition is pivotal in the process of waking up, because if we try to force ourselves or others to see reality the way our fears or insecurities want us to continue to see it, we will always be a slave. The way we we opt out of beliefs and consensus realities that are not true to our inner knowing, is by discontinuing participation.

Everything won’t change at once, it rarely does. But the more we allow our inner knowingEmpath eye to guide us (hint: you are God), the more we will experience the truth of that knowing within our dream.

We are not gods over anyone else’s dream. There is only your dream and you are the only sovereign authority over that dream. If you want your reality to reflect that truth, you have to accept and surrender to the fact that YOU are the central character in your dream.

Chakra cleansing is not a process of bliss. It’s a process of allowing the death of all you were, to be the anchor for the reality of your birthright. You are dead. I am dead. But here we are. Still dreaming. There must be reason. What story does your dream want to tell?

Once you wake up within the dream and remember you are the one dreaming, the only way of going back to the old paradigm is to go back to sleep.

And we do. When triggers come up – anything from our past experiences that told us we were unsafe will be challenged. When they do come up, it is ESSENTIAL that we don’t judge ourselves, but remember that our minds have been indoctrinated with 2000 years of programming that convinced us the dream is more powerful than the dreamer. In order to be free of that dream, means we have to die to it. And some of this is quite literally reprogramming our minds so our brain can be properly wired to the new dream.

Death is a transition process. It puts us through disorientation with our reality, and  it’s normal.

At this point of integration, identifying with our old paradigm (aka believing we are still rubbing the lampdisempowered or inservitude to the illusion) causes us to be pulled back into past versions of our old way of operating (identifying again as either a victim, an aggressor, or a savior).

Those roles are all apart of who we have been in crucial stages of our dream, so rather than demonizing that paradigm, in this transition period we have the opportunity to use those same functions for our own internal/cellular alignment. Our bodies get rid of what no longer serves us, heals and restores the dreams of our hearts, and reminds us with full clarity that we are not problems to be solved, issues to be fixed, or evil to eradicate.

Cleansing our chakras requires us to be gentle with our past selves, because if we continue to make someone or something an enemy we must combat, we will not escape the nightmare.

As we cleanse our lower Chakras to be in alignment with the truth of innermost self (our restored heart), we begin a process of releasing. Know that during this process the heart will activate the deepest spark of who we are – this includes all of our dreams and vulnerabilities. We’re writing our own mythological characters, so to speak, but we are also awake and living them as fully embodied entities. We are what we tell ourselves we are.

Release all storylines from the old paradigm of your dreams. These are normal realms to pass through when we remember the fullness of our hearts and our love for creation. Our brain still has memory of what the contrast to our dream was/is – but now the contrast serves to make the dream more vivid, more alive, and more beautiful, and more consistent (therefore, less traumatic and disorienting).

Once we release the story line of who we were (all the judgments, etc.) we receive the truth of what we have always been, because what other truth can trump this:

You exist and you are aware that you do.

The question is, what will you do with that awareness?

*For more information and emotional detox, check out my online classes here.


The Birth of the Empath


Since I started mentoring empaths I’ve had to piece together my theories about our ability to feel and transmute emotional energy, as well as create a framework for why I believe opening up our hearts, allowing ourselves to become MORE sensitive, and approaching our empathic lives from a place of empowerment, rather than “protection” is the more logical (and holistic) way to live.

Here’s my take:

If we take a broader view of the human story as it continues to unfold, we can begin to see how the empath in us was born.

What is Empathy?

Empathy is synonymous with the heart, because it represents our ability to FEEL this Heart Mindhuman experience of contrast (and gain a concept of “the other”). It can also be seen as the feminine quality of human consciousness, or the experiencing of “bearing and receiving.”

Empathy can be understood as the expression and experience BETWEEN contrast. As we know, the complexity and function of emotion is not black and white. That’s why we need the heart.  Our hearts have the ability to DISCERN what our emotions tell us; the mind simply judges.

The complexity of emotions:

Let’s say a young girl is caught between the fighting of her parents. She hears her father insult her mother, her mother insult her father, and because she is the most vulnerable “feeler” in the room, she is receiving all this energy PERSONALLY, as if it is direct toward her and is about her. She sees her parents as an extension of herself, and therefore the drama that unfolds is experienced in her reality as a message about her.

The parents may not see the reality of their child, because in their mind they know they child-parents-fightingare talking to each other, about each other. If the situation is approached from the mind alone, it’s quite simple: the argument was not about the little girl and therefore the parents don’t feel obligated to acknowledge her reality of the situation.

Therefore, the young girl’s experience is invalidated and unexplained. Her intimate world of “feeling” is not the reality of the people around her, and therefore goes unnoticed. And when our internal reality finds no meaning, catharsis, or connection in the external world, we feel isolated and separate from others – we quite literally live in our own experience and the meaning we give that experience determines the lesson we will take away, and how we will be shaped by it.

The meaning the little girl gives the fight will most likely be quite different than the meaning the parents have. But her reality is JUST as real. This unexplained and confusing experience has now begun a “tantric” cycle with this young girl, as her heart will continue to attract similar situations into her experience until she makes sense of what happened and corrects any beliefs she may have taken on about herself that are not in alignment with her inner truth.

The little girl’s heart must heal from this experience, and it does this by “feeling” its way back into alignment with its true resonance. “Logic” at this point is irrelevant, because she is making the most logical conclusion she has available to her, based on her level of understanding of the world.

The Heart’s Electromagnetic field

Here are some important things to understand about the heart:

* The heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body. The electrical field is Electromagnetic field of heartabout 60 times greater in amplitude than our brain waves and approximately 5,000 times greater magnetically.

*HeartMath studies show this powerful electromagnetic field can be detected and measured several feet away from a person’s body and between two individuals in close proximity.

* The heart’s electromagnetic field contains certain information or coding, which researchers are trying to understand, that is transmitted throughout and outside of the body. One of the most significant findings of HMI’s research related to this field is that intentionally generated positive emotions can change this information/coding. (http://wearechange.org/heartmath-part-1/)

If you look at the toroidal field around the heart (shown in picture above), we can see the heart is literally the center of our electromagnetic field (auric field) and because it’s electromagnetic energy is affected by EMOTION, it’s no wonder many empaths can feel their entire body responding to overwhelming emotions or chaotic energy. Controversy, positive energy can affect our entire experience of our reality in a positive way.

A whole, open, trusting heart is the most powerful energy on earth. It’s capable of sustaining our life force and our energy. Yet, we live in a world of contrast, and this contrast often breaks our hearts. And when our hearts are broken, we are cut off from the most powerful navigation system we have because we learn to distrust the experience of FEELING.

When we distrust feeling, we turn to the mind. And as the saying goes:

The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.”

The problem with allowing the mind to lead, is it does not have the ability to discern heart-and-mind(understand through the wisdom of experience). Discernment is the heart’s job. The mind views the world in black and white: right and wrong, yes and no – it is a way of navigating through judgement, rather than discernment.

And the problem with allowing the mind to be the sole navigator, is we go to war with ourselves. Because the mind alone does not have the discernment to FEEL when it is destroying itself.

Set on a crusade for RIGHT, our mind takes on the task of destroying anything that doesn’t fit into its “idea” of perfection. Yet, it can only determine what is right and wrong based on programs it receives externally from itself (TV, parents, society, etc.).

Although the mind thinks its protecting the ego, it is actually self-sabotaging its human experience, because the mind (without a connection to the heart) does not have the ability to see itself in “the other” and does not have the ability to discern the complexity and nuance of emotion. Therefore, it’s incapable of truly knowing what a person needs.

The Shadow Side of the Empath

The Sociopath (or psychic Vampire) is the Shadow side of an empath. It’s what we become when our minds work independently from the heart — when we go to war with our hearts and attempt to live from a place of logic, rather than logic AND feeling. And the dark side of the empath is the most dangerous villain we will ever confront (all the more reason to integrate our shadow, eh?!).

Side note: I think the reason many empaths are often drawn to sociopaths is because we are trying to understand the part of us that is so unfeeling/unsympathetic TOWARD OURSELVES – the part of our mind’s creation that sabotages us.

In order for us to transcend the cycle of self-sabotage, we must reconnect to our heart’s navigation, and because we’ve been at war with ourselves, we must relearn the language and story of our hearts.

But how do we do this?

The Hearts tells the Unfolding Story of Human Consciousness

Thankfully, our hearts have been telling a crucial and revealing story for over 2000 years. the-shadowAnd the dynamics of its story contain three primary roles: the Aggressor, the Victim, and the Savior.

The Aggressor/Victim/Savior paradigm is where the heart’s emotions are created, processed, and released. It’s a reality where our heart plays out the details of its story, as many times as it needs, in order to understand itself and become whole again.

Our human consciousness has evolved through the dynamics of this unfolding drama.

In order for a broken heart to find its way back to itself, we live out STORIES or experiences that remind us of who we really are.

It’s important to note that in order for this paradigm to function, the victim is needed.

The “victim” role is crucial for the Aggressor or Savior. The Aggressor and Savior use the Victim to show (to varying degrees) what our “God self” (or higher perspective) does and does not resonate with in regards to relating to our humanity.  In a sense, the person playing the victim role allows our consciousness to see what we are, and what we aren’t.

Empathy is CRUCIAL in a “Aggressor/Victim/Savior” paradigm, because the only way OUT of this drama, is by recognizing our participation in ALL roles.

This is why it is easy for an empath to feel the aggressor’s pain, even when they may be the one at the brunt of the wrath. Or why it’s natural to identify with the savior, because we know the experience of feeling helpless or powerless is very real.

All of us have, at one time in our lives, played each role.

If we didn’t have the ability to recognize ourselves in each role, we would be caught in a never-ending battle against ourselves, because an aspect of us exists in ALL roles. Through living out these stories, we are telling the story of our human evolution, we are living the experience of the release and restoration of our hearts.

And the key to transcending this paradigm is EMPATHY.

female tree5

If we never recognize that the one we are at war with is OURSELVES, we’ll never learn to harmonize with our shadow side and reconnect to our power (the heart). When we are disconnected from the heart, our power is untamed and uncontrolled. As we’ve seen, the heart is the most powerful magnetic field in the body – this means we quite literally PULL events and situations to us. When our hearts shut down, we attract situations to us unconsciously,  and life can feel confusing and chaotic.

I’ll post more about the heart’s journey back to itself next week.

In the meantime, if you want to go deeper, check-out some of my recent videos and excerpts from the Empath Mentoring group.

How to Heal PTSD (pt 1)

How to Heal PTSD (pt 2)

Resources for empaths

Also, I still have two spots available for the next round of mentoring (part of a beta testing group that is more than 75% off what the final mentoring cost will be). Send me a message in the “Contact” section for more details.

Happy Wednesday!








Chakra Cleanse for Empaths


Join me for a special, group mentoring Chakra Cleanse online class starting November 1st.

This is my second round of beta testing for empaths, and a much more streamlined message and interaction.

In this 8 week mentoring we will focus on uncovering deeply integrated messages stored inchakra-bubble our chakras and emotional field, establishing harmony and communication between the physical body and our emotional selves, and using our minds to help facilitate a clean, strong, powerful relationship with body.

For many empaths, the physical body is the most difficult to get in harmony with. This is primarily because of the tremendous amount of energy we pull in and process on a daily basis. For empaths, it’s important not to allow our emotional state to control us.

Regular energetic hygiene and cleansing is crucial (and this involves affirmations, mantas, breathing exercises, and knowledge about how empathic abilities work).

The class will be held on a private Facebook forum. The mentoring will include weekly personal email check-ins/sessions with me, weekly group Google hangouts, as well as all class information and material.

This mentoring group is for people who are serious about mastering their empathic abilities, empowering themselves, and not afraid to look at their shadow and dark side. It’s about taking 100% responsibility for our emotional health, our relationships, and our energetic boundaries.

Thanks to the lessons I learned from my first beta test mentoring group, I believe this class will be a powerful, structured, and streamlined way for you to connect to your intuitive abilities and strengthen your emotional field.

You don’t have to know about chakras to take the class. Information will be provided, and hopefully by the end, you’ll have a powerful grasp and understanding on your personal emotional and energetic flow.

Understanding the function of our chakras and their role in the life force and vitality of our emotional world, is a powerful way to assist with the disorientation and confusion that can occur during times of change and transformation. And this is a powerful time of change.

We best be ready.🙂

8 Week Empath Chakra Cleanse Group Mentoring $444 (for beta test only)

Buy Now Button
Only 10 spots available.

After this second beta test group, the entire program will be offered at $1111 (that’s a $667 savings!)

Begins November 1st.

What You’ll Gain:

*A greater understanding of your emotions and how they relate to your physical health

*A faster calm response for emotional PTSD and stress signals in the body

*A deeper, more intimate relationship with yourself (and your physical/emotional body)

*A potent sense of empowerment

*More clarity and understanding of your empath abilities

*Connection with other empaths who are awake and on a similar path

*Personal guidance (from me) and accountability

Empath Chakra Cleanse Mentoring Group


Join me for a special, New Year’s group mentoring Chakra Cleanse online class January 9th, 2107!

This cleanse is for those looking to:

  • Empower their empathic abilities
  • Transform the relationship with the body
  • Heal past relationships
  • Practice conscious manifestation with other empaths
  • Clear past programs and beliefs out of the chakras
  • Overcome strongholds and fears

This will be my 3rd and FINAL round of beta testing for empaths.

We’ll work not only on our relationship with our bodies and emotional energy, but also on our manifestation skills.

In this 8 week mentoring we will focus on uncovering deeply integrated messages stored inchakra-bubble our chakras and emotional field, establishing harmony and communication between the physical body and our emotional selves, and using our minds to help facilitate a clean, strong, powerful relationship with body.

For many empaths, the physical body is the most difficult to get in harmony with. This is primarily because of the tremendous amount of energy we pull in and process on a daily basis. For empaths, it’s important not to allow our emotional state to control us.

Regular energetic hygiene and cleansing is crucial (and this involves affirmations, mantras, breathing exercises, and knowledge about how empathic abilities work).

But we’ll also make it fun with co-manifestation exercises, “dares” for more self-love/self-care, and lots of practice honing our intuitive skills.

This class is perfect for:

  • Energy healers/body workers (learn a regular energetic hygiene practice that keeps your energy field clear, strong, and vibrant)
  • Actors/poets/channels (practice moving energy out and keeping inspiration fresh for creative projects)
  • Seasoned empaths who are ready to step into the next level of their empowerment (discover and remove any blocks keeping you from starting that healing practice, offering your services, writing that book or diving in to a creative project).

The class will be held on a private Facebook forum. The mentoring will include weekly personal email check-ins/sessions with me, weekly group Google hangouts, as well as all class information and material.

This mentoring group is for people who are serious about mastering their empathic abilities, empowering themselves, and not afraid to look at their shadow and dark side. It’s about taking 100% responsibility for our emotional health, our relationships, and our energetic boundaries.

Understanding the function of our chakras and their role in the life force and vitality of our emotional world, is a powerful way to assist with the disorientation and confusion that can occur during times of change and transformation. And this is a powerful time of change.

We best be ready.🙂

8 Week Empath Chakra Cleanse Group Mentoring $777 (for beta test only)

Buy Now Button

Only 10 spots available.

After this third beta test group, the entire program will be offered at $1111 (that’s a $334 savings!)

Begins January 9th

Here’s what some from the current beta test group have said:

“Through your course I have discovered parts of myself that I didn’t know were possible. I have more of a ‘hold’ on my emotional self and am at peace with things than ever before. When you said that we are going to be dying and creating ourselves again, I didn’t know that literally an old self would die and I would become new. But …. here I am!

I am learning so much about myself, and how I view(ed) the world. Thank you for giving me the tools to discover myself. This is the greatest gift I could imagine.” Andrea N., Florida

“This has single-handedly been the most overwhelmingly aligned, useful, perfectly on point message that I’ve ever received. I am wildly grateful and blown away, and just…. TOUCHED by… just… your knowledge and your heart and your ability to empath. I’m not kidding. This response resonated on levels that I haven’t had words for. I’m LITERALLY making a map with pictures and symbols of what you wrote so it can imbued deeper within me, because it’s truly my life education…it’s what I’ve been seeking. so fucking blessed. thank you, my heart is just completely overwhelmed with love. sending so much to you.” Chelsea R., Oregon

“I’m not going to lie — it’s been intense! But whoa! My eyes are open. I can’t believe how much I’ve learned about myself. I feel like I have a whole new set of tools for this next journey of my empowerment. THANK YOU!”  Maddie A., Oregon

Receive Your Nobility (Open the Crown)


*Below is an excerpt from the empath chakra cleanse mentoring group:

As we move into the Crown Chakra, we open up to what many call the “higher astral realms” or the “angelic realms.” This is symbolic (and very real) energy.

I felt it necessary to pull in these energies to assist us in clearing outdated chakra-bubbleand unconscious beliefs we’ve uncovered. Here we learn to prepare our emotional body to deal with “darker” energies or “demons” (traumatized thought forms in our subconscious minds). Much of what is actually going on is shrouded in superstition, but it’s more simple than most of us realize. Don’t worry. We’ve totally got this.

When doing any type of energy work, many empaths use “shielding and protecting,” but I prefer to call it “preparing” and “connecting.”  It’s all about perspective. Words like “protect” and “shield,” create a reality in which there must be something to be protected from. This implies an enemy. And if we believe in an enemy, the mind will create one.

As we begin to master our emotions, however, (and therefore step into our role as conscious creators), we understand that how we feel about our creation is how we will experience it. From this point of view, connection and trust with our reality becomes vital, even essential. If we are to truly enjoy and thrive in this life, we must learn to make peace with (and understand) the role of contrast. It doesn’t have to be our enemy.

Rather than assume something dangerous is out to get us, we can think of this reality like an epic journey into undiscovered territory.

If my wild spirit calls me to ski, then I’ll go prepared: warm clothes, ski equipment, maybe some ski lessons, etc. We prepare because we want our experience to be as positive as it can be, not because we believe something is intentionally set out to harm us.

The same is true of interacting with the non-physical reality (or our subconscious mind). YodaAs we face our trauma (or the trauma of the world), we prepare by setting the proper energetic vibrations. It is absolutely possible to hold the vibrational essence of our true selves inside the darkness (in fact, our inner light becomes most apparent here).It’s possible to access joy while knowing the opposite also exists. This is where we loose the fear of our humanity and become one with contrast.

To prepare and connect to our ‘prayer body’ (or intentional self) gives empaths boundaries to work within that allow space for our unique needs and sensitivities. Don’t forget, we can ask our reality to assist with anything we create. And this week, we will.

I did the meditation for the crown chakra this morning and felt cleared, soothed, and refreshed. My prayer is that it renews your spirit and restores your faith in this life.

Much more is to come.

Stay present. Stay awake. Stay open.

Thank you for your willingness to REMEMBER.

Crown Chakra deets:

How to Break Emotional Strongholds


Here’s the deal:

I receive emails everyday with people asking how to get UNSTUCK.

“How do I get out of this codependent relationship?”
“How do I step into my power?”
“How can I attract more abundance?”
“How can I find love?”
“How can I strengthen my psychic/empathic awareness?”

The bottom line is, we’re stuck because of one thing: a belief or a definition that is out of alignment with our true selves.

To truly be free of a stronghold or block, we must go to the ROOT of whatever caused it. We must allow healing and love to restore the disconnection from our navigation system.

There is no reason for you not to thrive. But you must TUNE IN to your guidance system. THIS IS CRUCIAL.

Why don’t we tune-in?

Simple. We’re afraid of emotions.

We don’t want to feel anything uncomfortable. We don’t want to bring up past pain. We don’t want to look at the fullness of what we are (which includes the dark, painful, unconsciously things too) because that would mean we’re not just victims, or saviors, or villains — we’re all of those things.

We must learn to harmonize with our nature, or we will forever be at war with ourselves.


Health is wealth, and science is finally catching up to the fact that our emotions HEAVILY influence our health, our thoughts, and even our actions. When we have unhealed emotional wounds, they control us. End of story.

It would appear, in fact, that this unseen emotional reality has more influence over the “seen” reality than we’d like to admit. The truth is, emotions are the fuel for creation and it is essential to include them in our game plan for survival — because they matter!

Ignoring or suppressing emotions cause blocks and strongholds that keep us apart from true resonance with our guidance system. As long as we’re blocked, it is difficult to find our true north, and life can feel fuzzy and meaningless.

So how do we get free?

We must find the root of the block. We must become aware of those subconscious agreements and beliefs that cause us to self-sabotage, or remain stuck.

The chakra cleanse is a tool to help release those agreements with our creation and make new ones that take into consideration our emotional, physical, and , mental health.

We are either on the path of more trauma, or the journey of restoration, empowerment, and healing.

Let’s choose consciously.

Here’s how it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8G7bNxp1aX8

For those who have requested a one-on-one mentoring package for the Chakra Cleanse.

I’ve got this for you:

An opportunity to go through the 8 week cleanse with me as your one-on-one guide. Personal mentoring includes all the class material + content, two 1 hour phone sessions with me per week, chakra meditations, email coaching, and lots of feedback and reflection.

Here’s what we’re going to do:

— Get in touch with the tantric cycles playing out in your chakras and find the loop hole for healing and restoration

— Get you back in resonance with your authentic desires, so life feels more natural and exciting to you again

–Release any unconscious consent you may have given for hurt or self-sabotage

–Define your intentions and put you on the path of your highest excitement

–Strengthen your resolve for peace (otherwise known as kicking people out of your life who are draining your energy field).

I will only work with 5 people per cleanse for this personalized package, and I’m more selective about who I work with at this level. Private message me here on Facebook or through my website (www.chakracenter.org) if you are interested and we’ll see if we’re a good match.

I hope that answers your questions regarding how to learn with me. If none of the options above appeal to you, there’s lots of free resources on my website as well as many other teachers online who are excellent in giving guidance through this process of empowerment.

My goal is for you to find what YOU need, and I am definitely not for everyone. So regardless of which tools you use or how you find your way, I invite you to step into your abilities and consciously choose RESTORATION. You will forever thank yourself for years to come. ❤

I wish you luck and hope you find exactly what you need to take that next step in your life.

Much love!


How to Manifest Your Dream Job Without Feeling Drained


Recently I did a live post in my Empowering Empaths Facebook Group on how to manifest your ideal job without feeling drained or controlled. Because of all the interest in this topic, I wanted to share it here. But first let me give you a little background:

For the past 6 years I have survived outside of the matrix. I don’t have any prior business experience, never took a marketing class, and frankly knew nothing about how to make money.

As an empath, I always struggled in the 9-5 environment. Work felt more like a battle than job, and often I left in tears wondering how other people were able to cope so easily with the intensity of the work environment. How were people so easily able to shut down their hearts and simply “grind it out?.” Many times I wondered if something was seriously wrong with me.

Eventually I WOKE UP and got FED UP with being controlled and drained by the world around me. I knew there had to be a way to thrive simply by being me — rather than trying to fit in a box someone else designed.

Most empaths are simply not an ideal match for 9 – 5 environments. Yet, we have these amazing skills and abilities that the world needs (and that people WILL pay you for), we’ve just been underused and under valued (primarily by ourselves).

Throughout the years, I have talked to countless empaths with the same dilemma: How to find a work environment where they can thrive, rather than feeling drained, manipulated, and controlled. My guess is that if you’re in this group, you’re probably wondering the same thing.

Well wonder no further!

IT IS ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE not only for you to thrive in your job, but to be abundant JUST FOR BEING YOU. In fact, being YOU is the greatest asset you have. You’re a master at it, and the world needs what you came here to BE.

So let’s get you on the path of freedom with 5 MINDSET SHIFTS that will help redirect your energy from the black hole of the matrix (which cannot bring you the life you desire), and put you on the track of more abundance than you ever dreamed possible!

Here you go!


How To Create A Wishing Spot


I wanted a powerfully charged spot to contemplate, focus, journal, and most importantly, have fun with my creativity. Because I am a visual person, it helps to have a focal point for my chakra cleanse, which includes my intentions, the overall energy of the class itself, as well as my personal wishes and ideas.

Merely a technology for using symbols, colors, and powerful associations (that have personally meaning), to help shift you into a more heart-centered, inspired space, a wishing spot (or Master Vision Piece), is a way to also allow your heart and your mind to connect consciously.

Emotions fuel manifestations stronger and quicker than thoughts, so having a Master Vision Piece that has personal meaning for you, is powerful fuel for manifestation.

Because I’m a big fan of design magic, I called in the vision and style of Ashley’s Golden Dream Decor. Ashley’s all about capturing wishes and making them reality, and what she created for me is the PERFECT wishing spot (altar).

Take a look!


Week 1: Root Chakra

I included all elements that resonate with the root charka, including my theme for week 1 of the Chakra Cleanse, which is PEACE.


Hanging candles and colored bottles represent all of the Chakra colors. This adds dimension and depth to the creative space, and surrounds me with the therapeutic enegy of the chakras.


We included essential oils known for balancing the ROOT chakra (Frankincense and the “Grounding” blend from Young Living).


My alchemist friend, Joshua Pellicer, has gifted me with many delicious medicinal oils, which of course made the cut. Oil of iron, oil of gold, Oil of Sedona Red Rock and frankincense, and oil of vanilla. These oils fuel my space with a powerful energy of ALCHEMY.


Using Colette Baron-Reid’s “Enchanted Map” oracle cards. Because why  not?! They’re magical!


Powerful crystal energy fuels the spot. And some “Jesus Juice” (frankincense and myrrh essential oil blend).


To add to the potency of subtle elemental magic, we filled these hanging candle holders with dried hibiscus flowers (attracts love), frankincense tears (clears negative energy), and whole dried cloves (attracts money and safety).


Nature’s natural setting gave the whole space a proper “witchy” feel. I loved how this masterpiece turned out.


These candles have whole star anise (stimulates psychic activity), blue poppy seeds (fertility, love, and abundance), and dry lavender (calms stress, promotes relaxation, and supports dreamtime).


Create a magical spot for your peace and sanity during this crazy time. We all need it!

Click here to see more magical creations from Ashley’s Golden Dream Decor.

Click here to learn more about the Chakra Cleanse.

Interested in private, one-on-one mentoring? Message me here.


Happy Monday!


Empath Love Balm (for the Heart Chakra)


Valentine’s day doesn’t have to be exclusively about romantic love. We can use this day as a way to celebrate love in every form (and believe me, the world could use a more intentional focus on love these days!).4-1

I have an extra reason to celebrate love this week, as we are on the heart chakra in the Chakra Cleanse mentoring group. Needless to say, I’ve been focusing a lot on my heart and remembering how powerful the energy of LOVE really is. Love restores. Love heals all wounds. Love can break any curse.

With this particular power in mind, I wanted to prepare an intentional space to create Valentine Day wishes with some of my closest friends.

Here’s the most recent recipe I’ve cooked up (with Ashley’s Dream Decor).


Valentine’s Card Making Party (Love Balm for the Heart Chakra)

Objective: A fun excuse to get together with friends and create Valentine Wishes for everyone you love! (What do you wish for your loved ones? Or maybe for strangers? Imbue that wish like a charm into your Valentine creation).

What was used:

*Guava Goddess and Cosmic Cranberry Kombucha (in tea cups…because it is tea, after all): to enliven the senses, detox the body, and refresh the mind

*Free2b Cherry, Sunflower seeds and sea salt chocolate: to unlock hidden desires and reveal destiny


*Romance novels: to attract the energy of passion and fun (no, I’ve never read them). 😉


*Hanging silver hearts and pink carnations: to emphasis the heart and enhance happiness


*12 pink roses (for luck in love)


*Variety of pink card stock  and white envelopes (for Valentine’s cards)


*Heart cut-outs

*Comforting Geranium Mineral Bath party favor : Balances hormones 9

*Lots of love (and intention for more love on the planet)



With our words we can bless or curse. With creations we can restore and heal. Everything we do, in fact, expresses something to the world (energetically). It’s powerful to slow down and focus our true intentions into what we create.

Can you feel the magic? If so, receive it! Because these are my wishes for you!

Your turn!

For more creative design ideas visit Ashley’s Dream Decor’s website.

Empaths: The New Entrepreneur

Common strongholds for empaths are:
*Low self-esteem
*Weight issues (feeling disconnected from the body)
*Co-dependent relationships
*Work issues (not thriving in 9-5 jobs)

When it comes to any habit, continual redirection of focus and patterns is KEY to make lasting shifts. Having someone walk with you through the process can be a POWERFUL tool to overcome even the most well-practiced behaviors and mindsets.

Here’s what’s cooking:



For those who have taken my FREE Master Class (The 5 Laws of Gold – for Empaths), this next class will help you give your former life a proper burial, and step fully into your next phase of abundance!

This two-week, online class is for those ready to make their 1st investment. Whenever we invest our time/focus/money in anything, it is essential that we consider the risk, and the payoff.

That’s why I’ve provided an easy, low-risk step to help you make that next commitment to yourself.

During these two weeks, I will provide detailed, step-by-step support to help you apply “The Next 3 Steps to Abundance”, as well as connect you with others making their first investment in gold.

Class will be held in a private Facebook group, for you to access at your own pace/time. We will begin May 8th! Secure your spot below. Space is limited!


1st Investment: $44 (Note: A reduced price is offered with my free Master Class)
Buy Now Button

If you’re ready to go all in, join my exclusive VIP Empath Gold Membership and receive this class (and more) for FREE!

Chakra Cleanse Bootcamp


Join me for a special discounted mentoring Chakra Cleanse online class:

This cleanse is for those looking to:

  • Empower their empathic abilities
  • Transform the relationship with the body
  • Heal past relationships
  • Practice conscious manifestation with other empaths
  • Clear past programs and beliefs out of the chakras
  • Overcome strongholds and fears

This is a special offer is a significant discount with the archived class material for those wishing to lock in the lower price before the new cleanse is released!

We’ll focus on our relationship with:

*Our Bodies

*Our Emotions

*Our Thoughts

*And our Manifestations!

In this 8 week mentoring we will focus on uncovering deeply integrated messages stored inchakra-bubble our chakras and emotional field, establishing harmony and communication between the physical body and our emotional selves, and using our minds to help facilitate a clean, strong, powerful relationship with body.

For many empaths, the physical body is the most difficult to get in harmony with. This is primarily because of the tremendous amount of energy we pull in and process on a daily basis. For empaths, it’s important not to allow our emotional state to control us.

Regular energetic hygiene and cleansing is crucial (and this involves affirmations, mantras, breathing exercises, and knowledge about how empathic abilities work).

But we’ll also make it fun with co-manifestation exercises, “dares” for more self-love/self-care, and lots of practice honing our intuitive skills.

This class is perfect for:

  • Energy healers/body workers (learn a regular energetic hygiene practice that keeps your energy field clear, strong, and vibrant)
  • Actors/poets/channels (practice moving energy out and keeping inspiration fresh for creative projects)
  • Seasoned empaths who are ready to step into the next level of their empowerment (discover and remove any blocks keeping you from starting that healing practice, offering your services, writing that book or diving in to a creative project).

The class will be held in a private Facebook forum. The material is meant to go at your own pace (with a new chakra released each week). However, the group calls won’t begin until the week of June 1st (exact time/date to be confirmed in our class forum).

This mentoring group is for people who are serious about mastering their empathic abilities, empowering themselves, and not afraid to look at their shadow and dark side. It’s about taking 100% responsibility for our emotional health, our relationships, and our energetic boundaries.

Understanding the function of our chakras and their role in the life force and vitality of our emotional world, is a powerful way to assist with the disorientation and confusion that can occur during times of change and transformation. And this is a powerful time of change.

We best be ready. 🙂

Chakra Cleanse Class + 4 Group calls — $111

(that’s $333 savings!)

Group calls will begin June 1st!
Buy Now Button

*Due to the time sensitive nature of this program, not refunds will be given once the cleanse begins.

Here’s what some from the past beta test group have said:

“Through your course, I have discovered parts of myself that I didn’t know were possible. I have more of a ‘hold’ on my emotional self and am at peace with things than ever before. When you said that we are going to be dying and creating ourselves again, I didn’t know that literally, an old self would die and I would become new. But …. here I am!

I am learning so much about myself, and how I view(ed) the world. Thank you for giving me the tools to discover myself. This is the greatest gift I could imagine.” Andrea N., Florida

“This has single-handedly been the most overwhelmingly aligned, useful, perfectly on-point message that I’ve ever received. I am wildly grateful and blown away, and just…. TOUCHED by… just… your knowledge and your heart and your ability to empath. I’m not kidding. This response resonated on levels that I haven’t had words for. I’m LITERALLY making a map with pictures and symbols of what you wrote so it can be imbued deeper within me because it’s truly my life education…it’s what I’ve been seeking. so fucking blessed. thank you, my heart is just completely overwhelmed with love. sending so much to you.” Chelsea R., Oregon

“I’m not going to lie — it’s been intense! But whoa! My eyes are open. I can’t believe how much I’ve learned about myself. I feel like I have a whole new set of tools for this next journey of my empowerment. THANK YOU!”  Maddie A., Oregon

Empaths vs. HSP (The Dynamics of Vibrational War)


Today I received an essential comment on an article I wrote a couple year ago entitled, “Empaths vs. HSP (They’re Not the Same Thing)This article represents a time I was breaking free from much of the interpersonal warfare with some HSP in my family (and learning a TON about my empathic abilities in the process).

You can read the full comment at the end of the actual article,  but I wanted to post some of the highlights, as well as my response back to her.

This comment, I feel, voiced what many HSP feel and wish others would understand about them. While my response is what I assume many empaths feel and wish HSP would understand about us.

Thank you for sparking this article, Crystal! Also, I edited my entire response in the comment section, so I’m sorry if you received a million revisions! 😉

HSP and Empaths — I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Response from Crystal:

“I am truly HSP. The way you describe a HSP on Youtube was degrading and sounded selfish. HSP were born this way, so if you were truly an empath you’d see that and be more understanding of the pain we endure. 

Have you ever thought that it could be your own thinking that created the affliction inside of you because of your thinking of it? Yes, there are truth empaths that experience people’s pain from far. But HSP have already experienced so much pain in our lives that we don’t have to HAVE that person’s pain to understand what that person is going through..

HSP have an extremely, some unbearable nervous system, so with that comes pain and emotion go so deep that it’s far beyond words. I tend to believe that you are not as empathic as you claim to be because you would be more gentle with your output about HSP. A truly HSP is sensitive to the core, physically too. Their skin, hair, and organs are even fragile. It’s not just about experiences, emotions, etc. It’s a physical manifestation from birth that is unspeakable…

Comparing empaths and HSP is like comparing plants. Like a tender violet to a tree. They’re both plants but if you touch a violet it dies. HSP do pick up other people’s energies, the atmosphere, and surroundings very easily and it stays inside us. We tend to be absorbers, picking up others energies is debilitating for us because of our delicate nervous system…

It’s like the old (demeaning) saying “thin skinned people.”

HSP is almost like handling a burned patient. You should be able to sense that if you were a true empath. But it appears there’s no real empathy here for HSP because if there were, your definition would have been more empathetic. It would be muchly appreciated if there were more understanding about real HSP. Thank you.”\

Female energy4

My response:

Thank you for sharing these thoughts. I agree. I was expressing lower vibrational emotions in this article, which makes us immune to our more subtle sensitivities. I was in the expression of my experience, giving a voice to the unhealed side of my empathic self.

In fact, recently I did a video talking about the jaded place I was in when I wrote many of my articles at this time. I was experiencing emotional pain in relation to my own sensitivity with HSP in my family.

Unhealed HSP tend to use empaths (unconsciously) to feel and express those lower vibrational emotions they reject within themselves, then shame and emotionally manipulate empaths for feeling them. They do this because of a belief that only *certain* emotions or vibrations are acceptable to feel (obviously, this comes from trauma).

Although I was expressing my “war” with HSP in this article, I will always leave it up because it is an authentic reflection of where I was at the time, and the reality of an empath: we feel others – most especially the emotions they reject, suppress, and deny.

The conflict between HSP and Empaths lies here. Many HSP identify so strongly with being “good” that they develop an acute aversion to lower vibrational emotions, which can cause them to construct a superiority complex that demeans and belittles the very REAL human experience of feelings like anger or jealousy, or bitterness.

Because HSP are so sensitive to these lower vibrations, they often project their rejection of these vibrations onto the empath and then paint the empath as the “enemy” for expressing them (which justifies withholding love, or in their mind, their sensitivity to the empath).

This, in turn, triggers the empath’s deep wound of rejection, which can cause them to either try to “earn” the HSP’s love back, or attempt to appease the HSP by promising to change. Both of these options invalidates the emotional experience of the empath, and reinforces the belief that “I can’t feel what I feel because it will hurt someone.” In reality, what we are saying is “I can’t feel what others are uncomfortable feeling.”

A better option for empaths is to validate our emotional state, REFUSE to withhold love from ourselves (or the other) for feeling, allow the HSP to interpret the vibrations however they choose (without taking it personally), and let the emotion go.

The point is, we do not have to modify, minimize, or lie about how we feel. However, understanding the nature of an HSP can certainly help us remember the rejection of emotion is not about US – it is reflective of a deeper wound.

Your response helped me remember the second agreement (from book THE FOUR AGREEMENTS),

“Take nothing personally.”

If an empath allows the HSP’s fear of lower vibrations to be internalized within, we agree to the HSP’s story (lower vibrations = I’m unsafe). This is a profoundly damaging belief for an empath to have, as it causes deep internal conflict about the very essence of what we are. By nature, we cannot reject our emotional experience without making ourselves sick or blocking Life Force.

Although I know it was probably unintentional, your tone in this comment is reflective of this dynamic. Because I was expressing lower vibrational emotions in this article, you imply that I am somehow “unworthy” to call myself an empath and should be ashamed of my feelings.

Spiritual abuse

Your comment also implies one of the biggest misunderstandings humans have about emotions: that they are unchanging and stagnate. Just because I FELT this way over two years ago does not mean this is what I AM. A belief that we ARE our emotions suggests that we are also powerless to them.

Lower vibrational emotions do temporarily mute our sensitivity to higher vibrations (we cannot feel both appreciation and anger at the same time), but getting angry is how we, as empaths, free ourselves from being controlled by the emotional needs of others. Anger helps release us from the co-dependent agreements and interactions that have caused us to self-destruct. (And many times, those co-dependent relationships are with HSP).

Feeling emotions (ALL OF THEM) is not wrong. This article does express my Shadow, my limited perspective, and my projections, but it does not make me any less “empathic,” or my experience of HSP any less valid.

Empaths and HSP are extremely sensitive to each other because they both represent the contrast of emotional vibrations. Ultimately, we are perfect reflections of each other.

HSP may be “born” with sensitivity, but they are not born with the Matrix of lack and fear. Fear of lower vibrational emotions comes from trauma and is the root of why so many HSP feel unsafe in this world. In order to be free, HSP, just like everyone else in the lack matrix, need to reprogram their understanding about what it means to be highly sensitive so it becomes a superpower, not a handicap.

*Special note: These dynamics can exist between anyone (empath, hsp, or not) and vacillate constantly. We all play all roles, but we have patterns, beliefs, and habits that often keep us repeating the same story. We are not saying “this is the ONLY way it is!” but rather, “this is one way it is.”



Chakra Center Birthday Sale (All Archived Classes $11.11)


In honor of Chakra Center’s 5th birthday, all pre-recorded archived classes are only $11.11!  Offer good until Friday, June 30th.

Empathic Communication (Normally $33)

Explore what it means to be a master energy communicator,  how empathic abilities can help in conscious manifestation, and how empaths are laying the groundwork for telepathic communication

(geared toward empowered/skilled empaths)


How to Heal and Thrive as an Empath (Normally $33)

Understand your empathic abilities, focus on healing past emotional wounds, utilize the power of Shadow Integration, and discover tools to help you thrive!

Bliss energy

Empowering Empathic Abilities (Normally $22)


Learn how to feel safe and empowered as an empath, heal the emotional body, create a healthy energetic hygiene practice, and allow your power to be perceived.

Creating with Emotions (Normally $33)

chakras perfection

Learn about the role of emotions in creating reality, how emotions fuel our point of attraction, the importance of self-trust/healing, the role of desire in creation, the power of NOW, and practices that help remove common blocks to manifesting.

Please type which class you want to receive in the “note” section at check-out. All orders with no class specified will receive the “How to Heal and Thrive as an Empath” course. Classes will be emailed to you within 24 hours of checkout.

Happy Birthday, Chakra Center! ❤

All Classes $11.11
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Empaths: This is Resonance Training


*(Excerpt from the “How to Get Out of the Matrix” online class)


3rd Law Of Gold:

Gold clingeth to the protection of the cautious owner who invests it under the advice of men wise in its handling.”

Remember, when we refer to “gold” in this class, we’re referring to our own treasure – the treasure within our hearts. This is our “wellspring of life” and it is crucial to guard, watch over, and protect.

We do this through discernment. Discernment is KEY. And discernment is quite different than judgment. Judgment withholds love based on what we believe is “bad” or “good.” Discernment remembers that love is the key to restoration, and rather than withholding it, love sets boundaries to protect the heart from being drained of life, and its treasure destroyed.

Our treasure multiplies as our love multiplies (especially our love for ourselves). If we don’t love ourselves, we have no motivation to protect ourselves – we willingly stay in slavery because we don’t believe we’re worth saving.

Discernment helps us determine how to best spend the treasure in our hearts, in ways that give us the better returns on our investment. Remember, our inner treasure is self-sustaining. If we learn how to use this treasure to guide us throughout life, it is impossible to be a slave to the Matrix, because we never run out of the Spirit of Life.

When it comes to the Matrix, we must learn to discern how to best put our treasure (hearts) to use to protect us from enslavement.


Our hearts govern our emotions, and emotions just happen to be the fastest and most powerful vibrations – much stronger than thoughts. In fact, the Institute of HeartMath has proven the heart to have its own “brain” – about 60 times more electrically powerfully than the brain, and 5000 times more magnetically powerful than the brain.

Now that’s POWER!

Scientist Rollin McCraty wrote: “The heart is a sensory organ and acts as a sophisticated information encoding and processing center that enables it to learn, remember, and make independent functional decisions,”The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Communication Within and Between People.

The mind is meant to protect the heart, not exploit it or use it. And herein lies the problem: Since the “Age of Enlightenment” humanity has placed the brain as the “all powerful” function of human capacity, while the heart (and its immeasurable treasure within) as a mere afterthought – even an imposition to our evolution. This couldn’t be further from the truth. When it comes to emotions, we are still in the Dark Ages.


A deep wounding has occurred at a very vulnerable level on the planet – it happened at the level of our hearts, our intuition, and our spirits. You could say it is the “feminine” side of humanity (or the feminine principle) and it is this energy that is coming to the surface to be healed.

Your mind alone won’t lead you out of the Matrix of Lack – it will only get you more tangled within its intricate web. Your heart carries the map. This is why it’s crucial to be present, attentive, and non-judgmental towards your vulnerabilities. Forgiveness (of self and others) is KEY to Universal expansion and growth. It is indeed, the key to immortality (aka Heaven on Earth), and therefore, the GATEWAY to stepping out of the control of the Matrix of Lack.

So how do we learn to trust our hearts?

First and foremost, we must remember that our hearts are GOOD. They may be shut down, broken, vulnerable, and misunderstood, but they are our power, and our freedom only comes from the RESTORATION and RELEASE of our hearts from the control of the mind. As the famous saying goes, “the mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.”

Today, spend some time with your heart. Take several deep breaths, close your hearts, place your hand on your heart, and allow it speak to you. Refrain from judging what comes up. What you feel (regardless of what it is – anger, sadness, despondency, etc.) is a MESSAGE for you. And the message is meant to show you where we are on your Life Map. Don’t shoot the messenger. Thank it. Listen to it. If we want to be free from the Matrix, we must allow our treasure to multiply, and our treasure is within the HEART. Don’t bypass it.

Here’s a little message I recorded in the mountains this morning as a reminder for our hearts:


This is Resonance Training (Invest in the HEART)


Making Love to Your Matrix: An Empaths Guide to Intuitive Living


*Check out my laster Master Class: Self Sabotage to Self Confidence: A Guide for Empaths Who Don’t Want to Self Destruct

How to Make Love to Your Matrix (rather than being its slave!)

So you want to be a master of the matrix, eh?

Good. You’re in the right spot. Because this entire reality is based upon belief, it seems only logical to assume beliefs are the universal currency. And what fuels beliefs? Emotions. Lucky for empaths, we have that fuel in ample supply.

The question is, how do we cash in our gifts?

Because we’ve been programmed by the matrix of lack to tune out of our primary navigation system (our emotions), we have functioned in a reality in which we believed we could not meet our own needs (we believed we were poor, despite our invaluable resource).

This caused us to develop a slavery mindset and a deep resentment toward the matrix itself — which represents the beliefs we enslave ourselves to.

In the lack matrix, we’re enslaved by these two primary beliefs:

  1. There’s not enough (and never will be)
  2. We’re not enough (and never will be)

Here, you’re in it for yourself. Emotions are superfluous. Deeper needs don’t matter. Make yourself small. Minimize your needs. Work hard. Don’t complain.

Beliefs determine the perspective we have about our reality (and therefore, how it will FEEL to us), so when we have a primary belief of in lack, we will always expect it. And because we have fueled that thought so continuously, it has become a solid reality.

But we can shift it. We can tune into a new thought, a new perspective, and therefore begin to change the way our neurons fire. If we do it long enough, we will create another solid reality, one that reflects the new truth of what we believe. One of abundance.

The two foundational beliefs of the Abundance Matrix are:

  1. There’s enough (and always will be)
  2. You’re enough (and always will be)

We’re in this together (win/win/win). We are in fellowship with ALL aspects of ourselves (body, mind, and heart). Likewise, we’re in fellowship with the other, and the planet. Our war with our humanity ends. We allow ourselves to receive the full restoration of our hearts (the ‘wellspring of life.”). We liberate our humanity from the slavery of lack.

Feel the difference?

Which matrix will you fuel with your emotions? As an empath, YOU are one of the primary suppliers of beliefs on this planet. Use that gift wisely!

In the “Making Love to Your Matrix” class we will learn how to change our core beliefs of lack into abundance (by going back to the original wound for the purpose of restoration).

We’ll learn how to:

*Access our authentic emotions so we can know more clearly what we need

*Reprogram our core beliefs

*Re-negotiate contracts we mad in the lack matrix into new contracts and agreements with the Matrix of Abundance

*Embody our vision

*Embody our dream

*Re-associate triggers for lack into triggers for healing and restoration (love)

This class is especially geared toward anyone ready to move into a relationship with their empathic gifts that benefits all areas of their life (especially their “work.”). You may be someone wanting to start a more intuitive based business, or want to learn to access your intuitive gifts in your business decisions. Whatever the reason, this class is designed to align you into a more personal, intimate relationship with your creations so they give to your life force, rather than drain you.

This is the only time I will be offering this class LIVE (held in a private Facebook group). A perfect opportunity to connect with me more personally and directly (and with others who are learning to love their matrix into heaven, too.

Class begins August 14th. Only 22 spots available. Registration closes as soon as spots are filled!

What’s included’s for FIRST 11 registered participants ONLY:

*1 free 30 min intuitive session with me ($60 value)

*Free access to the Chakra Cleanse class ($111 value)

*Making Love to Your Genie Lamp online class + private Facebook group to connect ($111 Value)

Total Value: $282

Special Offer Price: $111

(that’s a $171 savings!)

What’s included for all other spots:

*Free access to the Chakra Cleanse class ($111 value)

*Making Love to Your Genie Lamp online class (+ private Facebook group to connect) ($111 value)

Total Value: $222

Special Offer: $111

(that’s $111 savings!)

Sign-up now to secure your spot!

Making Love to Your Matrix Online Class $111

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In this class we will learn how to: 

*Create our ideal “genie lamp” (discovering what is most conducive to our unique Genie lamp smokestyle of creating)

*Re-negotiate contracts with our reality (releasing any past contracts and dynamics that are not part of the win/win/win)

*Embody the DREAM (this is where we fine tune our resonance to fully embody our desire and meet our needs directly)

*Reprogram our individual matrix through language, associations, and symbols (in other words, simplifying the game)

*Reassociate triggers to be points of powerful creation rather than detrimental reflections

*Practice tthe magic of affirmations (using our words consciously for healing, restoration, and abundance, rather than for creating more lack).

This class is a POWERFUL restorative tool. Use it wisely.

Can’t wait to connect!

*Please note: If you’ve already taken my Chakra Cleanse class, the “Making Love to Your Genie Lamp” program is still $111. I wanted to throw the cleanse in as a bonus for anyone who hasn’t gone through the process of detoxing their chakras to help prepare for this next step. No further discounts will be offered on this class.

6 Week Bootcamp for Intuitive Business Owners and Healers


I’ve had a lot of request for this class and it’s finally here.

If you’re an empath/intuitive looking to start a business or desiring to revamp your current coaching or mentoring practice, this 6-week Bootcamp is powerful prep to start off on the right foot — creating your business from the inside out.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

Week 1: Define Your Needs, Secure Your Vulnerabilities and Unleash Your Heart’s Desires

In week one I help you discover what your unique needs/vulnerabilities are (related to chakrasyou gifts) to help your business thrive. If you want to live a life that’s supportive of your empathic abilities and extraordinarily abundant, you must build your business from the inside-out. We include ALL of what you are (your mind, your heart, and your body) and we make sure your business supports your overall thriving.

Unfortunately, most people consider everything they think they “have” to do before they consider what they truly want. In this class, we put desire first. If it’s not in alignment with your heart’s thriving, it’s not worth investing your time in.

Week 2: Design Your Ideal “Work” Day/Flow (including self-care rituals that keep your intuition and empathic gifts sharpened and on point).

Self-care is of utmost importance when it comes to intuitive business. Your intuition IS your currency, so it must be wisely invested and well cared for. This is often the last thing people think about when starting a business (and it should be the first). Once you’ve determined what you need, we create a daily ritual/flow that feels good, is customized to your unique needs and desires, and strengthens your potency as an empath. This builds your character and mentoring abilities, as well as causes your power to overflow (so you’re never on empty). How well your business does depends on how well you take care of yourself.

Week 3: Define Your Ideal Client (or Ideal Focus)

Knowing everything you can know about your ideal client saves A LOT of time and energy often wasted in generic marketing. Once you know WHO you want to reach, you can speak directly to them (and connect to their resonance with a lil’ manifestation magic). In week 2, we define every aspect of your client and pin point exactly why you are their perfect match. (We’ll also cover how conscious manifestation works, and how your resonance and transparency play a far greater role in customer acquisition than advertising or content marketing).

We’ll also cover how conscious manifestation works, and why your resonance and transparency play a far greater role in customer acquisition than advertising or content marketing. (Hint: It’s all a bit more magical than you may think).

Week 4: Create Your Ideal Master Class

Having a Master Class that highlights your unique offering is essential to let people see who you are and what you are here to give. In week 4, I give you the tools to write the ideal Masterclass that allows people to see your genius and helps you define and synthesize what you offer. Even if you don’t use the class, this week gives much-needed clarity and emphasis on what you can do and the details of what you can provide. We’ll also cover ways in which you can use the Masterclass to sell your services, or to clairfy what you know.

Week 5: Self Check-in 

This week we take time to dive deep and make sure you are meeting all of your needs, cover any questions that may have come up in the writing of the MC, and crystalize your intentions. Week 5 gives you the opportunity to reflect on where you are in the process, and readjust anything that may feel out of alignment with the win/win/win.

Week 6: Finalize Your “Package”

Our 6th and final week is all about finalizing what you offer. By the end of this week, you will have your business plan tailored and customized to your unique gifts and talents, know what you want to offer and who you ideal client is, and a detailed outline for your next steps in moving forward with your business.

This is the perfect class to get you mentally and emotionally prepared to take on your first client (or revamp what you currently offer to fit a lifestyle more conducive to thriving). Invaluable information that will save you countless hours of guess work. This is everything I wish I would have had when I got started.

The class will be held in a private Facebook group where you will be able to access the content at your convenience.

Everyone who registers on or before September 1st gets 1-year free access to the Empath VIP GOLD membership ($111 value).

Class begins September 18th. Limited Time Offer.

6 Week Bootcamp for Intuitive Business Owners and Healers

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(No refunds after 72 hours)

Interested in working 1:1 with me?


As a special bonus, I am offering 5 mentoring slots to work personally with me through each of these steps. In addition to the full 6-week Bootcamp intensive, this package includes two 1:1 sessions with me each week. I find 30 min sessions to be the most potent and beneficial when it comes to RESULTS. In these sessions, we will make sure the needs of your heart, mind, and body are all being addressed and taken care of, so whatever you end up creating serves a lifestyle of thriving. We look closely at any blocks you may have to manifest

We will make sure the needs of your heart, mind, and body are all being addressed and taken care of, so whatever you end up creating serves a lifestyle of thriving. We look closely at any blocks you may have to manifest abundance life and tap deeply into your unique intuitive skill set. We also look at what might be needed to fine-tune your resonance and get you tuned into your intuition firmly so you can move forward trusting your guidance and decisions in your practice.

Must apply for a spot. If you meet the preliminary requirements, we will schedule a 15 min phone call to make sure we’re a right fit before we get started. I’m very selective who I work with at this level (and you should be, too). This is a POWERFUL step to get your business or healing practice on the right track.

Please fill out the form below to apply for a mentoring slot. You will get a response back from me within 2 days.

Bootcamp Mentoring Package (includes full class + VIP GOLD ) $1111


Can’t wait to connect.

Bonus: 8 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Mentoring Business

Empaths: Include Abundance in Your Plan or Deplete your Life Force


Now, more than ever, the collective is asking for restoration. Humanity wants its full

Crystals in Sedona

heart back — it is asking for peace. As empaths, we feel both sides of the asking. We feel the call at our deepest levels — the command for a new way of being.

If everything in your life feels shifty right now, this may be a large reason why.

When we serve a lack mindset, fear motivates us, guilt controls us, and shame disempowers us. Lack separates us from our hearts and causes us to compromise our true dreams and desires. Lack depletes our life force.

Abundance is a mindset. It is not about money, it is about resonance. Abundance is a choice.

It is love, not fear that motivates an abundance mindset. Desires fuel us, passion empowers us, and excitement keeps us creating. When we commit to this way of being, we become servants of peace – true masters of the matrix. We beat the game.

However, we cannot step into our role without our full hearts. We cannot receive heaven without the “well spring of life.”

That is why this all seems so scary. Going toward the heart means going toward the wound – the wound of lack. We must meet the unmet needs.

You know you are in the lack matrix if your primary emotions are anger, fear, resentment, and disempowerment. In lack, we fog our clarity, feel disconnected from intimacy, and cut off from community. Lack is ultimately destructive isolation.

Clarity, joy, and creative expression, however, dominate our emotions when we come from an abundance mindset. Abundance connects us to others, ignites our passions, restores our courage, and gives us access to innovation and imagination. Abundance is the ultimate adventure in evolution.

Empaths: Now is the time to let the old matrix die. You are a touch point for the collective, and when you shift, BIG THINGS HAPPEN. You not only free yourself, you free everyone in your world who is counting on you to hold him or her together. You set them free because you embody freedom, and therefore give them access to its reality. True freedom is empowerment, being free from the intermediary.

When empaths make the shift, the world changes.

If you are ready to step into abundance and get your power back, here are seven essential keys to help you captain these new waters.

Happy treasure hunt!

7 Day Detox for Empaths: Never Feel Drained Again


What is an empath?

An empath is a person who feels what others are feeling. Empaths are often helpers, givers, teachers, and natural healers.  Empaths transmute energy.

Am I an empath?

Answering ‘yes’ to the following questions will help you determine:

  1. Do I naturally focus most of my thoughts and emotions on others?
  2. Am I drawn to be a giver, or helper, or a healer?
  3. Do I often have trouble separating my emotions from other people’s emotions?
  4. After busy social events, I feel exhausted or emotionally drained (and often don’t know why)
  5. I have either strong resistance or a strong pull to spending time alone.

Being an Empath (Pros and Cons)

Pros: Emotional intelligence, pulse on the human experience/collective, ability to relate peace12to complex emotions (hold space for the experience of feeling), manifest powerfully, in HIGH DEMAND (everyone needs someone who can hold space for their humanity – especially now)

Cons: Easily drained (when we do not have excellent self-care), easily overwhelmed by energy, do not thrive in dense and stagnate environments, easily manipulated by emotions, easily gas-lighted,.  (That why how you feel is all that matters)

This happens because we have learned to survive by harmonizing the energy around people – if others feel better than so will we (so we think). Unfortunately, the truth is that when we focus all of our energy on the other, we bypass our deeper needs and ultimately drain our life force. Not knowing how to use and empower our empathic abilities can be detrimental to our health.

Here are 5 Steps to Never Feeling Drained Again

  1. Practice excellent self-care
  2. Meet your needs DIRECTLY (what is your deepest vulnerability/need? Meet it).
  3. Learn to say NO (and be authentic about how you feel).
  4. Stop trying to rescue everyone (it is not your job, you’re robbing them of their own empowerment, and draining your own energy in the meantime, it’s nonsensical).
  5. Take up space (especially in your body)

Wanna go deeper?

Join the 7 Day Detox for Empaths (And Never Feel Drained Again!)

This class will give you specific tools and steps to unplug from the lack matrix and step fully into your power.

Each week will provide one simple step to declutter your life and make choices that include your well-being. We will untangle ourselves from commitments and contracts that are not based on the win/win/win, learn to tap into our deeper needs (and meet them directly), and gain tools that help empower our lifeforce (rather than drain it). This is a must-have class for any empath who is tired of feeling manipulated and wants their life back.

All material is pre-recorded, offered on a password protected page, and intended to go at your own pace.

The first 10 people to pre-register receive 1-year access to the VIP GOLD group ($111 value), and admission to a private Facebook group where I will host 3 LIVE chats to connect personally, answer your questions, and help give you the tools to move forward.

Register here!
7 Day Detox for Empaths (Never Feel Drained Again!) $55
Buy Now Button
+ 1 Year FREE access to the VIP GOLD for first 20 registered ($111 value)

Class will be released October 17th.

Can’t wait to connect!

Empaths: You’re Being Intentionally Triggered


I’ve worked with empaths for the past 6 years and here’s what I have learned:

The Problem: Disempowerment (Lack Programming)

  1. We’re tired and overwhelmed (unbalanced in our relationships with ourselves, our life, and others)-
  2. We’re out of touch with our needs
  3. We don’t understand who we *really* are or why we’re here (or why we feel everyone)
  4. We self-sabotage

Solution: Become Masters of our Creation (Abundance Training)

  1. We need to be empowered
  2. We need to meet our needs
  3. We need to understand why we’re here
  4. We need to integrate our shadow (claim our power and create consciously – become masters of our own matrix).

Highest leverage point: Reset your navigation to abundance. You’re going to feel and it’s important that you do. The answer to the overwhelm isn’t to stop feeling, it’s to stop believing (and fueling) programs of lack.

Why We’re Here:

To help evolve the species into more heart-centered awareness. To overcome the programs of lack through self-love and self-empowerment.

How do we do this?

By ending the war within us. By loving ourselves (our humanity) and restoring our hearts (reprogramming – overcoming the programs of lack.


Here’s a video with some more deets:

Want to go deeper? Sign-up for my FREE MASTERCLASS on the Abundance Matrix and learn everything you need to know for the next level of the game.




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